Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op

About GCHC

Welcome to Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op (GCHC)! GCHC is a homeschool co-op located in Bozeman, Montana. We provide one morning each week of fellowship, friendship, and cooperative learning experiences for students and parents alike. We consist of 24 to 40 Christian families who are investing their time and skills for the purpose of enhancing the educational activities of our children. We accept families with school aged children (K-12) and have educational opportunities available for younger siblings.

Train up a child in the way he should go;
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Please browse our website and check out our classes and handbook to see if GCHC is right for you. 


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Upcoming Events

Mom's Coffee Night
April 28 - Monday
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Homeschool Mama's Retreat
May 10 - Saturday
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Park Day - Bogart Park
May 13 - Tuesday
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Friendship Opportunities

Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op, Bozeman, MT,, Christian, Co-op, homeschool, Class days, education, park day, gchc, cooperative, fellowship, students, Bozeman Christian homeschool, Bozeman homeschool, Belgrade homeschool, Christian homeschool, Gallatin homeschool, Bozeman private school, Bozeman highschool, Belgrade private school, Belgrade highschool

God Centered

Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op, Bozeman, MT,, Christian, Co-op, homeschool, Class days, education, park day, gchc, cooperative, fellowship, students, Bozeman Christian homeschool, Bozeman homeschool, Belgrade homeschool, Christian homeschool, Gallatin homeschool, Bozeman private school, Bozeman highschool, Belgrade private school, Belgrade highschool

Educational & Fun

Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op, Bozeman, MT,, Christian, Co-op, homeschool, Class days, education, park day, gchc, cooperative, fellowship, students, Bozeman Christian homeschool, Bozeman homeschool, Belgrade homeschool, Christian homeschool, Gallatin homeschool, Bozeman private school, Bozeman highschool, Belgrade private school, Belgrade highschool